I’m hiring: See here for details on an open postdoc position.

I am an Assistant Professor at the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the College of Information and Computer Science. At UMass I was a member of the Bio-NLP group, working with Dr. Hong Yu. My research interests are in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. I am particularly interested in model evaluation, quantifying uncertainty, and biomedical informatics.

Prior to UMass, I worked as a software developer at Eze Software in Chicago and as an IT Audit Associate for KPMG. I received my Master’s Degree in Computer Science at DePaul University, where I worked on projects in Computer Science Education and Recommender Systems.

Recent Updates

  • October 2024: “Hierarchical Deep Document Model” accepted for publication at Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering!
  • August 2024: Received an NSF CISE grant on a Collaborative Research Proposal with Co-PIs Jordan Boyd-Graber, Robin Jia, Alvin Grissom III, and Swabha Swayamdipta
  • August 2024: “Evaluating Expert–Layperson Agreement in Identifying Jargon Terms in Electronic Health Record Notes: An Observational Study” accepted for publication at the Journal of Medical Internet Research!
  • March 2024: We ran a tutorial at EACL 2024 on Item Response Theory for Natural Language Processing. Thanks to everyone who participated! Materials are on the tutorial webpage, and a recording will be posted soon.
  • January 2024: Should Fairness be a Metric or a Model? A Model-based Framework for Assessing Bias in Machine Learning Pipelines was accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Information Systems!