How is tech interfering?

McDaniel and Coyne coined the term technoference to describe “everyday intrusions or interruptions in couple interactions or time spent together that occur due to technology.” McDaniel and Radensky look specifically at technoference in the context of “technology-based interruptions in parent-child behavior.” Basically, don’t look at your phone when you are playing with your kids or interacting with others.

One interesting distinction is between pull and push technoference:

  • pull technoference: The individual initiates the intereference (“I’m bored with you, so I’m going to seek out stimulation from my phone.”)
  • push technoference: The technology initiates the interference, via notification pinging or some other means.

You can update your phone’s settings to minimize push technoference, but mitigating pull technoference requires changing human behaviors, which is no small feat.