Choosing Channels

In information theory, two of the key concepts are encoders and decoders. An encoder will convert some message, typically via compression, so that it can be sent through a channel more efficiently. The decoder is on the other end of the channel. It receives the coded message and tries to reconstruct the original.

Turning Points

People often align behavior change to dates or events. A new year, a birthday, even the beginning of a new week can act as a catalyst for change.


When you come to a fork in the road, take it

Yogi Berra

On Tools

Thinking more about the job site metaphor, another area where there is a lot to learn is around tools.

Jobsite Tasks

Knowledge work sometimes gets this mystical quality about it. Sure, knowledge workers don’t produce widgets, they produce information or something.

Tracking Progress

If feedback is slow in coming for your position, here is an interesting exercise to try.

Be Ready

You don’t know when your moment in the spotlight will come. Or if it will come at all. But when it does come, you need to be ready.

What’s in a Name

We’re at an interesting moment culturally. The notion of “AI” covers a very wide range of technological capabilities as well as projections for the future. In a sense, this isn’t new.

Parts and Wholes

Today I was going to write a short post about the phrase “the whole is more than the sum of its parts.” However, when I went to look it up, I learned that it is actually a misquote! It’s a mashup of two quotes.

The Paragraph of Theseus

Imagine: you are writing something in Word (or Google Docs). Doesn’t really matter what. In your open window, you receive a popup: