Slow AI
Slow food, slow productivity, what about slow AI?
Box Check
Waiting for easy things helps build muscle memory when you have to wait for hard things.
Work and Play
Right now, keeping up with AI can be an exercise in play. It’s not clear what direction things will go, or what new capability will be identified.
Job Description
Seth Godin had an interesting post recently on writing.
More Ways To Win
More experimenting with plotting with the Fever. Since the Olympic break, the team is 4-1.
Tick the Box
This post is simply to tick the box of keeping the momentum going.
First Day
It’s the first day of class at ND. Since my teaching is condensed into the fall, this is my first time teaching since last December.
Taking Shots
More experimenting with plotting in here, this time with our local WNBA team, the Indiana Fever.
Good, Better, Best
Is X better than Facebook? The question doesn’t make sense unless the parameters of comparison are set.
Getting Fancy
A test of getting some plots in here.